Proud to share a neo-dada artist I happened upon early last week. Very good, wish I had some.
Posting so many photos because I'm so in love.
But please call up more yourself; on youtube also.
Certainly groundbreaking in her time. Peerless? Hope not.
It might be hard to look at these all at one time, so some words are thrown in to space things out.

\TSYT-guyst; ZYT-guyst\ , noun;
[Often capitalized] The spirit of the time; the general intellectual and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.
As most critics and all professors of cultural theory note, Madonna is nothing if not a skilled reader of the zeitgeist.
-- "Techno 'rave' just the same old Madonna", Chicago Sun-Times, March 3, 1998
Like other figures who seem, in retrospect, to have been precociously representative of their times, Kerouac was not simply responding to the Zeitgeist, but to the peculiarly twisted facts of his own upbringing.
-- Jack Kerouac: The Beat Goes On, New York Times, December 30, 1979
Zeitgeist is from the German: Zeit, "time" + Geist, "spirit."

transitive verb;
To make better; to improve.
intransitive verb:
To grow better.
Among the pressures provoking these distresses were a father's financial inadequacy and a growing awareness that, by finding employment himself, he could ameliorate the family's exiguous circumstances.
-- Terence Brown, The Life of W. B. Yeats: A Critical Biography

\an-tih-duh-LOO-vee-uhn\ , adjective;1. Of or relating to the period before the Biblical flood.
2. Antiquated; from or belonging to a much earlier time.
1. One who lived before the Biblical flood.
2. A very old (or old-fashioned) person.

adjective;1. Possessing or displaying a strange and otherworldly aspect or quality; magical or fairylike; elfin.
2. Having power to see into the future; visionary; clairvoyant.
3. Appearing slightly crazy, as if under a spell; touched.
4. (Scots.) Fated to die; doomed.
5. (Scots.) Marked by a sense of approaching death.

\AV-uh-tar\ , noun;1. The incarnation of a deity -- chiefly associated in Hinduism with the incarnations of Vishnu.
2. An embodiment, as of a quality, concept, philosophy, or tradition; an archetype.
3. A temporary manifestation or aspect of a continuing entity.
Avatar is from Sanskrit avatara, "descent" (of a deity from heaven), from avatarati, "he descends," from ava-, "down" + tarati, "he crosses, he passes over."
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